rReportt > |
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rReport is a javascript-programmable report generator and print preview
control for dynamic web publishing with book-quality layouts and
prints. The only skill you need is basic
javascript and html. It is a cross-browser and cross-webserver solution.
rReport can radically speed up your sophisticated report development.
You can directly program against
paper with physical inch or mm length units as the x-y coordinates.
rReport lets you freely place predefined objects or drawing your own objects at arbitrary x-y location.
After creating your report, you can go back to change the report by adding, removing,
modifying or drawing new objects (e.g. implementing 'Page X of Y' type of page numbering).
rReport also provides a browser-based report designer to let you visually create your report
templates and fill them out at runtime.
rReport is also a report designer's designer. You can use rReport to create your own report designer and distribute it royalties free.
Demos (a glimpse of broad applications)
- Flexible Report
- Technical Drawing
- Filling Out Report Template
- Table Split across Multi Pages
- Flow Chart
rReport Advantages
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